Remote Control (Generation-2B)

Like generation-2, except that only mode-3 programming mode is available.



Remote Control (Generation-2)


(The LapMaster remote, generation-2. You find the receiver inside the LapMaster box.)


The Generation-2 LapMaster remote can be programmed to 4 different modes.
Not all are suitable for our use. In fact you should only consider using mode-2 (Toggle) or mode-3 (Latching).


Mode-3 is as we know it from the generation-1 remote. You make a “Trackcall” using the “A” button, and you release the race by pressing on “B”.


In mode-2, you make a “Trackcall” by pressing “A”, and a second press on “A”, releases the race again.


Each remote much be “Matched” to the receive it should work with. You can match up to 50 remotes to one receiver.
If you have several remotes that should control the same track, each much be matched to the track.
On the other hand if you have several tracks and wants to have separates remotes, match only the remote to the track you want it to control.


The following is the instructions from the remote manufacture.


About Working mode:

- Momentary: Push the remote button, the relay connects, release the remote button, the relay dis-connects.

- Toggle: Push once the remote button, the relay connects, push twice the remote button, the relay dis-connects .

- Latching: Push the remote button A, the relay connects, push the remote button B, the relay dis-connect.

- Time delay mode: Push the remote control button, the relay connects, from when release the remote button, after 5s or 10s or 15s, the relay disconnect automatically.


Clearing the code:

- Push the learning button on the receivers for 8 times, the codes will be cleaned.

- After clearing the code, all the remote control cannot work any more.


Learning the code: ( Mode-1 - Momentary )

- Push the learning key on the receiver once time, it comes into momentary setting mode.

- Wait for a moment, the LED will be off , it comes into learning state.

- Push the remote button, LED indicator on the receiver board will flash then come off.

- After 3 seconds, the LED indicator will be on again, learning successfully.


Learning the code: ( Mode-2 - Toggle )

- Push the learning key on the receiver twice time, it comes into toggle setting mode.

- Wait for a moment , the LED will be off, it comes into learning state.

- Push the remote button, LED indicator on the receiver board will flash then come off.

- After 3 seconds, the LED indicator will be on again, learning successfully.


Learning the code:( Mode-3 - Latching )

Note: When you choose for latching mode, in order to learn more remote control, you need to learn two different button, the first time learnt is for "ON", the second time learnt for "OFF".

For example: button A = ON , button B = OFF

- Push the learning key on the receiver triple time, it comes into latching mode .

- Wait for a moment, the LED indicator on the receiver board will flash then come off.

- Push the remote button A.

LED flash for 5 times.

- Push the remote button B.

Led flash for 5 times.

- After 3 seconds, the LED indicator will be on again, learning successfully.

A = ON, B = OFF.


Learning the code: ( Mode-4 - Time delay mode )

- Push the learning key on the receiver forth time, the time dealy for 5 seconds.

- Push the learning key on the receiver fifth time, the time delay for 10 seconds.

- Push the learning key on the receiver sixth time, the time delay for 15 seconds.

The LED indicator will be off.

- Push the remote button , LED flashes and off .

- After 3 seconds, the LED indicator will be on again, learning successfully.


NOTE: The system can store for 50 pcs of remotes, if the remote get more than 50pcs, the initial remote control will be lost.



Remote control (Generation 1)

(The LapMaster generation-1 remote control comes in both silver or white color)


The LapMaster unit has a wireless receiver build into the unit.

This works with a transmitter as displayed in this image.

The configuration as delivered has the top button (“A”) of the transmitter set up to control the LapMaster program.

The remote activates or releases the “Track call” status. That is it stops the race, cuts power and holds the countdown timer. When released, the LapMaster executes the starting sequence, announces the countdown to race, and turn power back on as well as continuing the countdown clock.
“Track call” called from the keyboard can be restarted from the remote by pressing “OFF” followed by “ON”.
However “Track call” called from the remote must be cancelled from the remote. Otherwise the remote control would get out of sync.

You can also halt the timed intermission countdown by use of a “track call” from the remote.


Finally, it is also possible to do a Remote Start when the system is in the “Manual” state. Just click the “OFF” button and then the “ON” button of the remote control.


Configuration and battery exchange

The bottom half of the remote can be opened to exchange the battery.


In this compartment you will also find the 5 encoder switches which must match the encoding in the receiver. As delivered, the system code for the remote is off-off-on-off-off.

Please observe that it is easy to accidentally change this setting when closing the lid


In the receiver you will find a 10 position encoder switch.

The first 5 is the system code, and must be set the same as the transmitter.

The next 4 indicates the button “A” to “D” and the last is not used.


The default setting for the receiver is therefore off-off-on-off-off-on-off-off-off-off (All off except 3 and 6).


As we found the switches in the remote had a tendency to work itself to the OFF position, the default setting of later systems has been changed.

The default setting for the receiver is now off-off-off-off-off-on-off-off-off-off (All off except 6).



If you have multiple tracks with LapMaster installed, you can change the system code on one unit so that they do not interferes.

E.g. Transmitter: off-on-off-off-off and receiver off-on-off-off-off – on-off-off-off-off


Alternatively you could control one track on the “A” button and the other on the “B” if you chose.

In that case use:

Transmitter: off-off-on-off-off

Receiver (track-A): off-off-on-off-off – on-off-off-off-off

Receiver (track-B): off-off-on-off-off – off-on-off-off-off