Customized diplomas and WEB results

Diplomas and the WEB result are defined using HTML. This allows the user to freely build and customize the layouts of the diplomas and the uploaded LiveTiming and Result WEB pages. Actual the provided layouts should only be taken as samples. Please feel free to customize them anyway you like. It is easier than you think.

You can use any editor, provided that you have a basic understanding of the HTML involved, or alternatively you can use an editor that does support HTML. I.E. Microsoft Word might be used to edit the pages, provided you save the data in HTML format.

LapMaster used HTML models stored in the “C:\LapMaster\Multimedia” folder, but distributed in the “C:\LapMaster\Multimedia\Factory” folder.  This means that LapMaster first look for your local version in the MultiMedia folder, and if not yet there copies the distribution versions from the Multimedia\Factory folder. In this way you possibly modified models will not be overwritten by a LapMaster upgrade.


These models contain some replaceable parameters in the style [NAME], which will be modified by LapMaster before being used as the actual HTML file.



For the diplomas, you will find 4 different models (for each supported language) in the Multimedia folder.

The actual name depends upon the translation of item 238 “Diploma” in the language translation file. (See the language chapter)

They model files are:

Diploma1.htm – Model for first place diploma.
Diploma2.htm – Model for 2’nd place diploma.
Diploma3.htm – Model for 3’rd place diploma.

Diploma.htm   – Generic diploma for place 4 to 255.


The replaceable parameters are:

[DATE]             - The date the diploma is printed. (Current date)

[POS]                - The position selected from the result list.
[NAME]           - The name of the driver.

[QTIME]           - Qualification result.

[LAPS]              - Race result.

[BESTTIME]    - Best lap time during the race.

[BESTLANE]   - Lane identification of the lane the best time was realized upon.

[RANDOM]     - A random number between 1 and 20. (Same number for entire document) In the provided model it is used to pick a random decoration (car) of the diploma.

[CLASS]            - The class of racing as specified in the Race Setup

[EVENT]          - The event name as specified in the Race Setup

[TRACK]          - The name of the race track as specified in the Track Setup




(Web results are no longer customizable. However they are now much more dynamic in content, and are identical to the displayed and printed results in their structure.)



The WEB TRACK RECORDS is constructed from 3 partial models that you will find in the Multimedia folder. They are:

RecordHeader.htm    – This is the initial part of the result model. It usually contains the headings and general description of the circumstances.
RecordLine.htm          – A track record line is generated for each lane on your track.  Replaceable parameters are updated before the data is added to the output.
RecordFoot.htm          – When all lanes have been posted, then the final document is completed by adding the RecordFoot.


The replaceable parameters are:

[LANE]             - The lane number or colour of the lane. (Line parameter)

[NAME]           - The name of the driver. (Line parameter)

[RECORDTIME] - The current track record. (Line parameter)

[COLORREF]  - A HTML colorref for the colour of the lane. (Line parameter)

[RANDOM]     - A random number between 1 and 20. (The same number is inserted in the entire document.)

[DATE]             - Date for the record.

[CLASS]            - The class of racing as specified in the Race Setup

[EVENT]          - The event name as specified in the Race Setup

[TRACK]          - The name of the race track as specified in the Track Setup

[COMMENT] - The comment entered from the FTP Prompt panel when you clicked the “Save as WEB” function.



The LIVETIMING / SCOREBOARD result is constructed from 3 partial models that you will find in the Multimedia folder. They are:

ScoreBoardHeader.htm         – This is the initial part of the ScoreBoard model. It usually contains the headings and general description of the ScoreBoard list.
ScoreBoardLine.htm              – A number of ScoreBoard lines are added to the finished ScoreBoard, one for each driver. Driver related parameters are replaced individually before the lines are added to the final document.
ScoreBoardFoot.htm              – When all driver related lines have been added, then the final document is completed by adding the ScoreBoardFoot.


The replaceable parameters are:

[RANDOM]     - A random number between 1 and 20. (The same number is inserted in the entire document.)

[DATE]             - The date the result list is printed. (Current date)

[LOCALTIME]- The time-of-day the result list is printed. (Current time)

[CLASS]            - The class of racing as specified in the Race Setup

[TRACK]          - The name of the race track as specified in the Track Setup

[EVENT]          - The event name as specified in the Race Setup

[TIME]              - Remaining stint time, or overall clock.

[ROUND]         - Current round.

[HEAT]             - Current heat.

[STINT]            - Current stint.

[RACETYPE]  - Type of race, for instance “Heat racing”

[RACESTATE]- State of race, for instance, “Racing” or “Pause”

[COMMENT] - The comment entered from the FTP Prompt panel when you clicked the “WEB Access/WEB Publish” function.

[REFRESH]     - A suitable refresh interval (in seconds) selected by LapMaster.

[FONTSCALE] – A value “100”, “75” or “50” depending on the number of entries in the race. Font scaling is used to make the most of the area available for viewing the results.

[VERSION]      - Version of the LapMaster program.



Per driver:

[POS]                - The position of the driver on the result list.
[POINTS]         - The number of points earned by the driver
[LAPS]              - Race result (Total laps).

[HEATLAPS]   - Laps done in this stint.

[NAME]           - The name of the driver.

[STARTHEAT]- The heat number for which the driver is scheduled to start.

[STARTLANE]- The lane in which the driver is scheduled to start.

[LOCATION]  - Name of the Raceway on which the driver is racing.

                [LAPTIME]      - Time for last lap raced.

                [BESTTIME]    - Fastest lap for this driver in this stint.

                [LANE]            - Lane currently being used.

                [LANECOLOR]- Colour code of the lane being used.